[CONCENTRATION] +How to Play: Concentration is played with two players. You have the option to choose which of the sets of cards you would like to play with. The cards are shuffled and are placed face-down. Each player must turn up any two cards, one at a time, leaving them in their original positions. If they are a pair, the player takes them and gets to have another turn. If they are not a pair, he turns them face down again and the next player gets a turn.
By carefully watching, a player can remember where cards of certain kinds are placed. After turning up your first card, you may remember what card to turn up to find its mate. +Object of the game: The object is to get as many pairs as possible, and the one who gets the most matches wins the game. [CONCENTRATION SETUP] +Choose your opponent: Click on the yellow arrows that are located under the picture to choose your opponent. The picture and name of the character is the current selection. +Board Size This allows you to choose the board size, which means how many cards need to be matched. Click on your desired choice. The current selection is shown with a black dot in the circle.
+Deck Preferences Click on the deck that you would like to play with. You may choose from the following: Alphabet, Numbers, Animals, Transportation, Household, or Music. The white box surrounding the card is the current selcetion. +Skill levels: You may choose Easy, Medium, or Hard skill levels. Do this, by clicking on the words "Easy", "Medium", or "Hard", depending on your preference. The current selection is
shown with a black dot in the circle. +Go Upon clicking Go, the game will begin. Upon clicking on the red X, the game will exit. [CRAZY 8'S] +Number of players: 4 players, playing individually. +Deal: Each player is dealt 5 cards. The rest of the packis placed face down, and its top card is turned face-up beside it as the starter. The opponent to the left of the dealer starts play. +Play: A play consists of placing one card face up on the pile begun by the starter. Each card
played must match the previous play in either suit or rank. If a player is unable to play a card in turn, he must draw cards from the top of the stock and add them to his hand until able to play. Even if he can play a card, a player may choose to draw rather than playing it. After the stock is exhausted, a player unable to play must pass. +Wild cards: Eights are wild and can be played on any preceding card. The owner of the eight must
specify a suit (not necessarily its own) which the eight calls for, and the next player must follow with that suit or with another eight. +Options: There are several rule variations that are available to be used with Kids Cards. When these cards are played, then something special happens to the play. They are as follows: * A King causes play to reverse directions.
* A Jack causes next players turn to be skipped. * A Two causes next player to draw two cards. +Scoring: Play ends when any player gets rid of the last card in his hand. He scores the total of the cards remaining in all other hands, 50 for each eight, 1 for each ace, 10 for each face card, the index value for each other card.
+Object of the game: The first player to reach 500 points wins the game. [CRAZY 8'S SETUP] +Choosing opponents: Click on the yellow arrows that are under a picture to choose your opponents. The picture and name of the character is the current selection. +Skill levels: You may choose Easy, Medium, or Hard skill levels. Do this, by clicking on the words "Easy", "Medium", or "Hard", depending on your preference. The current selection is shown with a black dot in the circle.
+Winning score: There is a winning score already set for you. However, if you would like to change this score, simply type a number in the white space from 1 to 9999. +Game rule options: There are 4 rule options available within this game. There are coordinating check boxes next to each option. These are as follows: * Two played makes next player draw two cards.
* Jack played makes next player to lose turn. * King played makes the direction of the game to change. * Only drawing one card if you cannot play a card. +Go Upon clicking Go, the game will begin. Upon clicking on the red X, the game will exit. [FROGS IN THE POND] +Play: This game can be played with or without partners. The Ace is the highest ranking card, then the king, queen, and on down until the two, which is the lowest rank. If playing with partners, then you and your partner want to work as a team. Each player plays one card at a time and all players must follow suit if able. The player with the highest ranking card wins the trick and also gets the top card from the FROG
PILE. This card's point score is combined with all the point cards from the trick. Then, the winner leads the card for the next trick. The winner, or winning team, if playing teams, is declared when the total point accumulation is 100 (or the desired set amount as set in the game rule options). +Object of the game: The object of the game is to score 100 points, or the amount set in the game rules, by winning cards that contain points.
+Scoring: Cards contain the following point value: Each ten is worth 10 points. Each five is worth 5 points. Each ace is worth 4 points. Each king is worth 3 points. Each queen is worth 2 points. Each jack is worth 1 point. [FROGS SETUP] +Choosing opponents: Click on the yellow arrows that are under a picture to choose your opponents. The picture and name of the character is the current selection. +Skill levels: You may choose Easy, Medium, or Hard skill levels. Do this, by clicking on the words "Easy", "Medium", or "Hard", depending on your preference. The current selection is shown with a black dot in the circle.
+Winning score: There is a winning score already set for you. However, if you would like to change this score, simply type a number in the white space from 1 to 9999. +Game rule options: This enables you to turn the Team Play option on or off. If you turn it off, then you must get to the desired winning score amount all on your own- without any help from a partner. However, iif you have the Team Play option
selected, then both you and your partner (the player directly across from you) are on the same team and work together at achieving the winning score. The Jack of Spades scores minus ten option results in whichever player takes a trick, or receives the Jack of Spades in the Frog Pile, the player scoring 10 less then he/she would have if it wasn't for receiving the card. However, if you are able to force an opponent to get this card, then this can be a good thing.
+Go Upon clicking Go, the game will begin. Upon clicking on the red X, the game will exit. [GO FISH] +Number of players: 4 players, playing individually. +Deal: Each player is dealt five cards. A regular pack of cards is used, and the cards are dealt one at a time. The rest of the pack is placed face down to become the stock. +Play: Each player is trying to get a "book" or all four cards of the same value. This is done by
first clicking on a player's image and then selecting a card. If you receive any of the asked-for cards, then you get an additional turn. If you do not, you are told to "Go Fish". Upon going fish, if you should receive the card that you asked for, then you get an additional turn at asking a player for another card. This entire process is repeated until the game is won. +Object of the game: The player who gets the most books wins the game. [GO FISH SETUP] +Choosing opponents: Click on the yellow arrows that are under a picture to choose your opponents. The picture and name of the character is the current selection. +Skill levels: You may choose Easy, Medium, or Hard skill levels. Do this, by clicking on the words "Easy", "Medium", or "Hard", depending on your preference. The current selection is shown with a black dot in the circle.
+Match Pairs: Choose this option if you would like each book to consist of two cards. When not checked, a book is four cards. +Winning method: If you want the player with the most books at the end of the hand to win the game, then select the first method option. However, if you want the winner to be determined as the one who gets a desired amount of "books" (four of a kind), then choose the second option
AND be sure to include the number of books needed to win the game. This number should be from 1 to 99. +Go Upon clicking Go, the game will begin. Upon clicking on the red X, the game will exit. [OLD MAID] +Number of players: 4 players, playing individually. +Deal: Using a special deck, an Old Maid card is added. All the cards are dealt among the players. The number of cards does not have to come out even. +Play: Each player discards all his pairs, face-up, but not three of a kind. Then, each player in turn
shuffles his hand and offers it face down to his left-hand opponent, who draws one card, discards a pair if he has drawn one, and offers his shuffled hand to his left. +Object of the game: Eventually, one player must be left with the "Old Maid." The goal is that you are not the "Old Maid". [OLD MAID SETUP] +Choosing opponents: Click on the yellow arrows that are under a picture to choose your opponents. The picture and name of the character is the current selection. +Ending score value: You need to set the desired amount of Old Maids needed to end the game (any number from 1 to 99). When a player reaches this number, the game ends, and the player with the least number of Old Maids wins.
+Deck Choose which of the four specialty decks you would like to play with. You can use either Animals, Transportation, Household, or Music. +Go Upon clicking Go, the game will begin. Upon clicking on the red X, the game will exit. [WAR] +Number of players: War is played with 2 players. +Deal: All cards are dealt, aces are the highest. +Play: To begin play, both players turn up the top card from their hand. The higher card wins all the cards, and those cards are returned to the bottom of the winning player's packet. Play continues in this manner until both cards played
are of the same rank; this is called a War. Both players lay three cards face down, and turn up the fourth card from the top of their packets. The higher card wins all the cards on the table. If these cards are of the same rank, another war occurs, and the winner wins all of the cards involved. If a player has less than four cards remaining when a war ensues, his last card is the card he turns up, regardless of how many cards he is able to lay face down.
+Object of the game: When one player wins all cards in the deck, the game is over and he is the winner. [WAR SETUP] +Choose your opponent: Click on the yellow arrows that are located under the picture to choose your opponent. The picture and name of the character is the current selection. +War options: You have to select the number of cards to be turned face-down when undergoing a war. Click on the drop-down arrow and select 1, 2, or 3.
+Go Upon clicking Go, the game will begin. Upon clicking on the red X, the game will exit. [OPTIONS] +Card Back Choose a card back from among the 12 pictured backs. Each of the six games have their own card back option, so feel free to customize each game to look the way you want. +Music Enabled When this option is checked, music will play in the background. +Sound Enabled When this option is checked, sound effects will
be played throughout the game. [MULTIPLAYER SETUP] +Connection Types Choose the appropriate connection type from the list. * Internet - Use this option to play against a friend using your internet connection. The player hosting the game will need to supply their IP address to players that are going to join. * Local(TCP/IP) - Use this option if all computers playing the game are on the same local network.
* Local(IPX/SPX) - Use this option if all computers playing the game are on the same local network. * Modem - Use this option to connect using your modem.One player will host the game, while the other enters the host's phone number to join. * Serial - Use this option to connect two computers using a serial cable.
+Games Available to Join If you are using Local(TCP/IP) or Local(IPX/SPX), all games awaiting players on the local network will be listed here. Select one of them and click Join to join the game. +Host To host a game, choose the appropriate Connection Type, and click on the Host button. For a Modem connection, you will be prompted to select your modem from a list. For a serial
connection, you will need to select your COM port. The other Connection Types do not require any additional information. +Join Select the appropriate Connection Type. For a Local game, choose the game from the Games Available to Join, then click Join. For other Connection Types, click on Join and fill in the required information. For Internet, you will need to enter the host's IP address. For Modem, you will need to choose your modem and
enter the host's telephone number. For Serial, you will need to specify your COM port. [PLAYER SIGN-IN] +Select your player name Using the building blocks at the top of the screen, enter your name. If you make a mistake, you can erase a character by clicking on the green left arrow (bottom right block). Use the purple block with the line to enter a space. +Choosing your character image Choose a character image by clicking on the yellow arrows in the picture frame.
+Using a previously created name To use a name you entered in the past, simply click on it in the list.